He is so sweet. His presence is so good. He is so deserving of our all, our everything!
He has captivated my heart. It is His! I am His and He is mine. Through struggles, through brokenness, through healing. He is worthy of praise! His name will still be praised through it all!
I encourage you all to look back at your life. Look at the sanctification you have endured. Look at the struggles, the dry spots, the times where your heart hurt so bad it could burst. Hasn't He been faithful through it all? Hasn't He always brought His children through and carried them the whole way. He knows what is best!
Like I said, He has captivated my heart. For His kingdom, for the broken, the lost, the hard at heart. He breaks my heart for those who don't know Him. I want everyone to know this love I know! This immaculate, gracious, beautiful King who never stops pursuing, never stops loving, never leaves us!
He is worthy!
Now unto the Lamb who sits on the throne be glory and honor and praise
All of creation resounds with the song
Worship and praise Him the Lord of lords!
I love you all :]
Let Him humble you, be vulnerable in front of Him, be broken in His presence. It's the best place to be, promise.
Beanie Bo! Oh my goodness, I just found your WONDERFUL blog! Ah, what a blessing you are... a truly bright Light and joy to know. I love you so much and I am so thankful we can also keep in touch through blogging, yay :)